Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I really am such a slacker when it comes to this blog. I need to start keeping track of ideas I have for things to write about because I literally get SO many during the day, every day, no joke. Once it comes time to sit down and type it out... it's all gone. Maybe I have chronic writer's block. Is that a thing?

My thought process on a regular basis these days: 

I need to do better when it comes to a lot of things:

-This blog
-Gym routine
-Sleep schedule
-Eating meals at normal human times
-Making more time to play with little Pepper

Pretty much I need to get my life in order. The one thing that is currently a constant is music. I love my music. Those of you who know me, know that. I have been to so many concerts lately its a bit crazy. Last Thursday I went to see Hozier which I have videos of I may post later... kind of thinking about doing a concert page connected to this since I go to so many but we all know how I like to procrastinate and never get around to completing my ideas.

Me on an average day:

Guess what though! I went to the gym this morning before work! Major accomplishment because I felt like a zombie getting out of bed this morning, it was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. Unfortunately, it did not feel as great as it did last time I went before work... not sure if it was the lack of sleep the night before or my wonderful brain telling me I didn't need to eat breakfast before working out for an hour straight. I probably would have done better going this evening like usual... but I am proud for making myself go this morning. I just need to prepare better.

Now, while I take another couple of days to try and plan my life, here is a good tune, enjoy.

When I say take a "couple of days" to plan out my life, that probably will end up being after May 9th (aka- last day of Spring semester) because you know, this happened:

and it makes things difficult. ^
Thank you, accounting.

In the meantime you will be getting these random posts from me. Some may actually be interesting and informational but the majority will probably be like this and I am sorry. I'm such a failure!!

Oh, but I almost forgot, I get my good laptop back tomorrow after it quit wanting to charge (its finally fixed!) So that may help in the process as well. I hate this old macbook.

Happy St. Patty's Day!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Short and Sweet, Like Spring Break

I didn't even realize until Monday that this week was my Spring Break. Not that it means a lot because I have a full time job and bills and a house to take care of and all that fun adult stuff.

Here is what I have been doing for fun... and I'm serious, fun: CLEANING AND BAKING. It's so calming and relaxing. Want to hear something crazy? I thoroughly enjoy folding laundry. I'm too domestic for my own good I think. It has its perks though, for example... I made these today just because:


I almost feel guilty posting this as my friend is always posting healthy stuff and work out stuff and just very uplifting, motivating, informational blurbs. I'm over here like cupcakes and sugar and music and random things.

Ramble ramble.

I'll get back into the gym thing soon. Downloaded the Planet Fitness app today, its pretty neat, will get into that at a later time.

Did I mention the cupcakes have a filling?


I know you are asking yourself, "I wonder what kind of cupcakes those beautiful creations are?" Well well well, its your lucky day because I just so happen to have the answer.

Think of Nutella meets s'mores meets simple white cake meets amazingness.

It is basically a white cake with marshmallow filling, Nutella buttercream, crushed graham crackers sprinkled on top, with a piece of a Hershey's bar. I may post my recipe later. That buttercream is to die for, no joke.

I have literally listened to music all day. Haven't even touched the TV. Can't get enough of this album lately. Reason probably being that I know they will be in Charlotte on March 20th and I doubt I'll be able to go. Boo hiss. But they are sweeeeeeeet.

"Its not a fever that's keeping me up at night. I know you mean well, but you always leave me paralyzed. Don't you know, don't you know? All I need's another dose."

Goodnight, its late, and I'm a bit delirious.
I'll do better next time, promise!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

"Those unrepenting buzzards want your life...

... and they got no right.
As sure as you have eyes,
they got no right."

I really love that song by The Shins. The lyrics are fantastic. Just kinda wanted to throw that out there.

 I am about to talk about something that will probably only make sense to a couple of people I know who read this blog but I will say, what I'm talking about specifically is not the point, and is not the important part.

Looking back I have thought of myself as having hard times, dealing with tough situations, unfortunate relationships, jobs, complications, whatever. Recently, however, I actually dealt with something pretty traumatic. Let me just tell you- my whole outlook on life situations has changed. I literally cannot believe some of the silly things I know to have complained about, and situations where I felt so sorry for myself that it now just seems selfish and petty.

Since this experience I went through a couple of phases: shock, panic, shock again, emotional wreck, shock once again, confusion, and being just disturbed in general. (Okay, maybe that is more than a couple of phases)

And now, NOW I have this numb kind of disinterest in things that once excited me. For example, there are three amazing concerts coming up that I have tickets too. At this moment, I could burn the tickets and probably not think twice about it. For those of you who know me, that is kind of insane. I was also on this really good kick of going to the gym in the evenings (trying to switch over to mornings), eating healthy, and just being more healthy in general. Even though I know its important to keep up... I am officially unmotivated. Not to mention any time I eat, I start over thinking and make myself nauseous. Ugh, no bueno mi amigos.

Its such a weird sensation, to have all these feelings change in you over the course of a few days and I am really trying to figure out how to reverse it. How to not let unfortunate circumstances alter the way I want to live my life and the way I should be living my life. I have a feeling this blog is going to become a lot more important to me than I once realized, because it is something I will 100% use to hold myself accountable for getting back to my best self and my best life.

I cannot express how lucky I am to have people such as Jennifer (and a few others who don't blog like us cool kids) to keep reminding me that things will be ok and who are there if I ever need anything.

Someone posted this a couple of days ago, seems like a lot of truth to me :)

Not that I believe a lot of people are reading my blog at this point as I have not been keeping up with it as I should, but if you are and I have confused you, my main points are these:

*Surround yourself with good, caring people and feel blessed if they call you a friend.
*Just take things as they come the very best way you can. "It is what it is" happens to be a phrase I say a lot. And it's very true. 

Dory knows all, you guys. Just listen to Dory. 

And now I should probably get some sleep as I have to be awake in 6 hours for work, and my adorable dog is desperately trying to cuddle. I cannot resist her any longer.

You understand right? :)

Later gators!
Don't forget to follow me on Twitta for mostly randomness and nonsense!